Hear The Roar - Cancer stories and interviews
A podcast that covers all things related to cancer. Providing inspiration, education, benefit and so much more to anyone linked to cancer in any way, shape or form.
Hear The Roar - Cancer stories and interviews
Paul Burns of Thor Medical (www.thormedical.com) - Talks about PBM treatment for Cancer patients
Paul Schneider/Thor
This is a fascinating interview with Paul Burns from Thor. A company that provides PBM (photobiomodulation) kit in hospitals both private and NHS specifically for cancer patients to use and to help with side effects such as Lymphodema, Mucositus, fatigue and more.
Paul talks through how the kit works and exactly how it benefits the patients and survivors with calming down the horrendous side effects mentioned above as a result of radiotherapy treatment.
Paul thank you so much for coming on and I hope we can all use Thor's PBM kit in every hospital ASAP.