Hear The Roar - Cancer stories and interviews
A podcast that covers all things related to cancer. Providing inspiration, education, benefit and so much more to anyone linked to cancer in any way, shape or form.
20 episodes
The Orange Foundation - CEO, Michael Gregory
The Orange Foundation are doing amazing things for Cancer patients. Specifically funding treatments and more the the NHS either don't provide or will not fund or pay for.It is becming more and more widely known that in addition to the tr...

Working with Cancer - Barbara Wilson
It's all too common that people who have received cancer diagnoses, suffer issues at work. I have personally suffered and have spoken to a significant number of people who have had negative experiences with employers.Likewise Employers ...

Jon Organ - Laryngeal cancer survivor - @Lifeafterlary
Jon is a beacon of inspiration and he tells the story of his jounrey with Laryngeal cancer and his subsequent laryngectomy with such vigour. I personally learned a lot from Jon in this interview and have become we have become good ...

Debbie Donnison - In honour of 'Breast Cancer Awareness Month'
A timely interview - published in Breast Cancer Awareness MonthDebbie is living with secondary breast cancer - never having had a primary breast cancer diagnosis. It is extremely rare but it happens.This is a phenomenal intervie...

Emma Hallam - Late effects (of cancer treatment) clinic pioneer
This is a crucial interview to have carried out with Emma. With survivorship from cancer diagnoses being so high now - over 75%, people are living a lot longer and therefore living with the side effects or late effects of various surgeries and ...

Chris Lewis - Blood Cancer survivor and founder of the Simpal charity
Chris is an incredible guy. He tells an amazing story about his journey following a blood cancer diagnosis. Chris faced the news at one point that he may only have 6 months to live but beat the odds and is now all clear and in full health.<...

George Light - HPV Throat cancer survivor
George gave an incredible interview. He was so articulate of his journey and showed amazing resilience, inspitarion, vulnerability and real emotion.George was a real natural and I always say that the best interviews are the ones where i...

Paul Burns of Thor Medical (www.thormedical.com) - Talks about PBM treatment for Cancer patients
This is a fascinating interview with Paul Burns from Thor. A company that provides PBM (photobiomodulation) kit in hospitals both private and NHS specifically for cancer patients to use and to help with side effects such as Lymphodema, Mucositu...

Joss Harding - President elect of the Mouth Cancer Foundation
This is one of those interviews that could have just gone on and on. Joss is amazing and I for one can't wait to see where she takes The Mouth Cancer Foundation when she becomes President of what is already an amazing charity. She said it herse...

David Schwarz - Mouth and Tongue Cancer Survivor
I was so pleased that David agreed to do an interview for Heart The Roar. He is a world of inspriration. David currently helps circa 48,000 people every day via the support groups that he runs on Facebook. I can presonally vouch fo...

Melanoma Fund CEO Michelle Baker Interview - Skin Cancer -The No.1 Global cancer!!
Michelle Baker, CEO of the Melanoma Fund has worked tirelessly to get the UK sports and outdoor sector to recognise and promote the risks of UV exposure. And it’s finally happening- watch out skin cancer… she on the rampage!This intervi...

Ingrid Bergson - Talks about what we options we have to manage and live with pain
Ingrid is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist. Specialising in pain management. Ingrid has by default worked with cancer patients and survivors who have had new, ongoing and debilitating pain struggles as a result of their diagnoses.Survivor...

Sam Vangeen (TikTok Influencer) - Her story about battling mental health and deppression
I was so grateful to be able to Interview Sam (Diamon Art with Sam Vangeen). She has certainly had her challenges and battles with mental health issues as a result of depression and illness. Sams inspiring interview is honest and the comments a...

Nick Pugh - Professional Golf Caddy. Immunotherapy patient for skin cancer
Nick gave a phenmonal interview. Following initial surgery, he is half way through his immunotherapy treatment for skin cancer and he carries a very strong message regarding protection against UV rays for anyone who spends regular ...

Chris Todd -Leukaemia survivor, Ex Professional Footballer and Founder of Not On Your Tod
This is a stunning interview. Chris oozes inspiration and speaks about his journey with Leukaemia with such belief that from the start he was going to beat it. After over 15 years of ongoing treatment, Chris finally got the all clear late in 20...

Mr. T - Stoicism, absolute trust and vulnerability
Speaking to Mr.T in the run up to this interview I was always blown away by his bouyancy and incredible trust and faith in the people who operated, planned and implemented his treatment. He sailed through his journey and stayed focussed through...

Falk - Incredible mindest applied to Testicular Cancer
A really enjoyable interview. Falks mindest from the point of diagnosis onwards was incredible and a valuable message to anyone, that mindset and how it is applied makes THE difference in getting through the journey. Thank you so much Falk.

Karen LS - A Tongue Cancer Survivor.
This is an amazing interview!Karen tells her story so well and covers some very pertinant issues that people have to deal with when dealing with cancer. So brave, so well told and so inspiring. Thank you Karen.

Paul Schneider - heartfelt podcast
This recording was podcasted in May 2021. Just one month after my radiotherapy treatment and while I was still in recovery mode. It’s heartfelt and very honest. I had incredible feedback at the time so thought I’d share it on Hear The Roar. I h...
Episode 2