Hear The Roar - Cancer stories and interviews
A podcast that covers all things related to cancer. Providing inspiration, education, benefit and so much more to anyone linked to cancer in any way, shape or form.
Hear The Roar - Cancer stories and interviews
Debbie Donnison - In honour of 'Breast Cancer Awareness Month'
A timely interview - published in Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Debbie is living with secondary breast cancer - never having had a primary breast cancer diagnosis. It is extremely rare but it happens.
This is a phenomenal interview where Debbie speaks so candidly about living with cancer and shares her story about dealing with her young son beating Leukemia - TWICE!!
I am so grateful to have Debbie as my mentor.
Debbie is so pragmatic and philosphical. It was a real pleasure to interview her. An inspiration to all women and anyone suffering their own cancer journey.
Thank you Debbie.