Hear The Roar - Cancer stories and interviews
A podcast that covers all things related to cancer. Providing inspiration, education, benefit and so much more to anyone linked to cancer in any way, shape or form.
Hear The Roar - Cancer stories and interviews
Chris Lewis - Blood Cancer survivor and founder of the Simpal charity
Chris is an incredible guy. He tells an amazing story about his journey following a blood cancer diagnosis. Chris faced the news at one point that he may only have 6 months to live but beat the odds and is now all clear and in full health.
Chris is yet another cancer survivor that has gone on to do some incredible work, helping others. Chris set up Simpal (https://www.yoursimpal.com/) and provides mobile phones and contracts to people who NEED internet and phone services but sadly can't afford it.
The number of people that Chris has helped is now in the hundreds and provides a crucial support function for people not just suffering due to cancer but also many other traumas and life affecting situations and illnesses.
Chris is one hell of a guy!
Thank you Chris.