Hear The Roar - Cancer stories and interviews
A podcast that covers all things related to cancer. Providing inspiration, education, benefit and so much more to anyone linked to cancer in any way, shape or form.
Hear The Roar - Cancer stories and interviews
Emma Hallam - Late effects (of cancer treatment) clinic pioneer
This is a crucial interview to have carried out with Emma. With survivorship from cancer diagnoses being so high now - over 75%, people are living a lot longer and therefore living with the side effects or late effects of various surgeries and treatments used to beat the cancer itself.
Emma's dedication to helping people who are sufferinjg is so apparent in this interview and her understanding and awareness of what survivors go through, lead to a quite unbelievable campaign to source funds, staff and more from the NHS and charity systems, resulting in the first 'late effects clinic' being set up in the UK.
Emma's amazing work has lead to there now being over 25 late effects clinics across the UK.
Thank you Emma.